Posts in English


Short about me first! My name is Cecilie and I’m 40 years young. While here on planet earth I’m Norwegian, but do feel like a stranger in this world. I have 2 boys and they’re the best ever! God and my boys are THE most important parts of  my life, and are also prioritized in how I use time and spend my days. I was working in kindergarden (as leader for a group), but have been going home for over 8 years now because I have CFS/ME, been sick over 10 years. Days are at times pretty tough, but God is faithful! He might not always fulfill our wishes and wants, but He certainly fulfill every promise He has made! He is the best ever and forever! Take good care!

I have earlier written some in English. To make it easier to find these posts among all the others, this site will give you titles (more coming, working on re-tagging), a short description (working on that too 🙂 ) and link to some of them (press title and it will open in a new window/tab). If I should write something new in English, that post will be at the top and marked NEW. And since I’ve only written English for 2 1/2 year, bear over with my broken English! But hopefully my English has improved over that time and still will in time to come!

God bless you!

~ Cecilie ~ (March 7th 2011)

To Be With You

Grace alone (May 2013)

A Broken Hallelujah (I am redeemed) (13.Feb.2012)

I’m coming home  (jan 2012)

Faith for hard times  (nov 2011)

When we can’t see the hand of God, we need to trust his heart. God will be with us through all things and times. We will face times we in our selves can’t manage to go through, but Christ in us can. «I can do all things in him who strengthens me». God doesn’t necesarrily make things easy and comfortable, but he makes it possible.

Facing hard times trusting God (Nov.2011)

when we face hard times in life, God want us to stop rtying to figure things out for our selves, stop trying to manage on our own. He wants us to trust Him. We learn to trust God more as days passes by, because we over and over experience His faitfulness and mercy. Do we dare to trust God for real?

Whisper Your Love To Me (July 26th 2011)

more poemlike piece, about the deep need to hear God speak to us and the response God gave me to share to this deep heart-cry

Were where you? July 24th 2011)

Two devastating actions has hit Norway. A bomb and a shooting-tragedy. Both has left us speechless and in sorrow and pain, both has brought forth a lot of compassion and care. We will get through this, we will be strong enough, we will keep fighting for democracy, openness, understanding and for whats good. But in all of this, where is God? My answer has all along been a short one; He is here. When tragedy, catastrophes and other terrible things happen, God is there. (Read more by pressing title-link)

Let Love Silence the Lullaby of Death

Written summer 2010, posted first time March 2011. An early morning I got a mail from a dear friend. Their family had hours earlier been informed that a friend of his wife had committed suicide. After years fighting a war with no winners- depression- and people’s misunderstanding and high expectations she couldn’t take it more… I went through that day with sorrow in my heart, praying a lot. This piece was born out of that…


«Hands» is based on the drama by Mathew Pole (1995). Re-blog from another blog («Tanker)

God… did you really mean me?

Ever felt that you come up short? That you fail too much, that you don’t manage at all…I have many times, here you’ll get a little glimpse into my thoughts, fights and tears- but also the comforting, loving response God has given me and how He use my children to teach me about His love and grace

You’re beautiful! Everyone is created – no accidents

Returning to the first love

God is greater than any storm

Deep cleansing or surface-polish?

PTL! (Praise The Lord)

Blessings and prayers

The Strength of a Man (author unknown, shared with me by a dear and precious sis- Trish (love you beautiful one!))

We build for the rest of our lives today

Noticed this?

A few thoughts around 2.Chron.7.14 where Gods says «if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.» To become real change maker in this world we our selves need to be changed by the Maker, we need to be conformed into the likeness of Christ.

How little or how much?

What would people say about your life? That you try to get by with doing as little as possible, or that you in all things do and try your best?

A boy singing to his little sister

True story (I’ve been told) Miracle of love! Be prepared to be teary-eyed as you read!

Hvorfor meg Gud? Why me God?

Norwegian above video, broken English below. At times God comes and asks the tough and sore questions, will you be willing to share, to do and be what ever I tell you, even though it means people turning their backs on you, betraying you etc Are we willing to obey no matter what? Are we most concerned about pleasing God or does fear of peoples opinions hold us back…

♥ a prayer from my heart ♥

as it says, a prayer from my heart, God- make me over. Video to Natalie Grants wonderful song «Make Me Over» is also here

He IS ALWAYS there with you

Gods promises never fails, He has promised to be with us all days, and that also mean all kind of days! No matter what you face, God is there!

What if?

what if we treated our Bibles as our cell-phones? What would happen then? (author unknown)

Christmas greeting 2008

Expect greater things to come alive

my 2 boys never doubt that I will get them something special for their birthdays, even when weeks are passing by and they still haven’t seen a present- they still KNOW they will get something when their birthday finally is there. Why can’t we trust in the promises of God the same way? Everything God has promised us is ours in Christ, we don’t have to doubt it, but we might have to trust and wait. Expect greater things to come alive.

4 kommentarer om “Posts in English

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  1. Hi Cecilie,

    Thank you for checking out my blog and following me. It’s always encouraging to know that someone finds what I post interesting, and wants to read more. I’m a GFA blogger, and I think you found me that way. What’s funny, though, is that our son lives in Norway! He’s married to a beautiful Norwegian girl, and they live on the west coast, not far from Alesund. We have visited a couple of times and can say that Norway is an incredibly beautiful country.

    I hope to read some of your posts and hear more from you. Blessings!



    1. Hi Dennis!
      Nice of you to come by and leave a comment!

      Yes, I found you through GFA! I have been supporting them financially and with prayer for almost 3 years now. Lately I’ve been thinking about sharing more of what they do through this blog and not just mention them and link to them now and then. So I had a trip to some of their bloggers to see how they did it, and you are one of them.

      Beside that I like to follow bloggers from different parts of the world, it broadens my view and gives input from «another world» and set of traditions and ways of thinking and living. At the same time it is interesting to see how God works with the same «things» all over the world and how He is bringing his people together. We live in a very exciting (and challenging) time, but God is faithful in keeping us and finishing the work he started.

      Your son live in a beautiful area of the country, very different from here in the south where I live. I’ve just had one trip up there, and that’s many years ago now, but always wanted to go back.

      My best wishes for you and your loved one.
      Blessings and prayers
      ~ Cecilie ~

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